Focus News

  TFI Diversity StatementIn February
Release date:2014-10-15 Views:2784

TFI Diversity StatementIn February 2009 this statement was approved by theBoard of Directors Focusing is a practice that honors whatarises freshly in the moment. Frozen structures of any kind are antithetical tothe ethic of Focusing. Therefore, the Focusing Institute takes as a core valuethe principle that the practice of Focusing, how it is taught by certifiedFocusing teachers, and its application in different fields will not bestandardized. Diversity of approaches will be protected. Constructive critiquesamong Focusing Trainers or between TFI and individuals presenting or applyingFocusing are welcome and should be offered by means of open, respectfulcommunication. TFI itself will seek to honor the values of non-standardizationin its operations while recognizing that tension can arise between maximumdiversity and the need for effectiveness and efficiency in meeting its goals.


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