The Focusing and the Inter-Dependence Origination Philosophy
Xu Jun
There is similarity between Focusing and Inter-Dependence Origination (Hetupratyaya,Nidānas)1 Philosophy of Buddhism. According to the related literature in Buddhism dharma-kāya Hymn, the experience in inter-reaction is inter-dependence originated, which is similar to Focusing philosophy. It’s discussed by transverse connection for Focusing and Inter-Dependence Origination Philosophy so as to provide a new experience and a new angle for thinking about the world. This connection is beneficial for rich Focusing from different angles.
Keywords: Focusing, Inter-Dependence Origination
When the Focusing encounters Buddhism philosophy, the Inter-Dependence Origination Philosophy becomes an important connective factor, which adds the Focusing an Asian cultural perspective.
The Inter-Dependence Origination Philosophy, as the core of Buddhism philosophy, has existed for 2,600 years.
What is the Inter-Dependence Origination? It has been described in the well-known Buddhism literature Dharma-kāya Hymn that everything emerges or extinguishes from some cause. Namely, everything is the result of conditions and matters. It is also addressed in the Abhidharmakosa-sastra that everything emerges from the conditions. It was interpreted by Zhao Zeng, who was an eminent ancient monk, what happens early would become the cause of what happens later and what comes along with the cause would be the dependent origination. Everything emerges from the combination of and the interaction between the cause and the dependent origination. That is to say, when producing a result, what plays a direct role is working as the cause, and the indirect one is working as the dependent origination. The result comes from the interaction between the cause and the dependent origination. The relationship between the cause and the dependent origination is in line with what was addressed by Gendlin (2010). The dependent origination is always playing an implicit role to mediate the impact of the cause on the result. For instance, the phenomenon that one seed can grow and become a big tree could not be explained by a simple linear causality, which has to take other conditions into account such as sun, oxygen, water, and surroundings. These conditions contribute to the growth of the seed in an indirect way, and only when they are well prepared, the growth phenomenon could occur. In addition, some of these indirect factors such as water could also play a critical role at a certain time point.
The rationale in the Inter-Dependence Origination Philosophy also applies to inter-personal feelings. According to the elaboration from ancient books and records of the Original Buddhism, Mahakotthita told Sariputta: the Inter-Dependence Origination or results arise from the pursuit of courses that produce three types of feelings--pain, pleasure, or freedom from both, which neither the result of self, nor the other or both of them ,but the integrated result of various kinds of conditions and matters.
When I am thinking about the role of the Inter-Dependence Origination Philosophy in the inter-personal relationship of the Focusing, I made the above conclusions, which could shed a light on the underlying rules of a range of phenomena: (1) Experience results from the combination of conditions; (2) The corresponding EXP experience is also the result of many conditions and their variants. The development of experience results from the constantly changing Inter-Dependence Origination; (3) When the result is produced with the development of the Inter-Dependence Origination, this newly produced result would become the condition of future Inter-Dependence Origination to facilitate the following development and changes.
Case: a client, male, 32 years of age, work as a psychological counselor, suffered from minor depression, read some books on the Focusing before.
Z: I don’t know what was going on. I just feel uncomfortable.
T: Mhm, uncomfortable.
Z: I did the Focusing before, but it seemed to be stuck somewhere. An uncomfortable feeling. What else can I do?
T: Well, it looks it’s been stuck. Nothing has been improved.
Z: Yes. It’s stuck somewhere. That’s it. No progress at all.
T: Let’s step back a little bit. Stay away from where you’ve been stuck. When did you feel uncomfortable?
The fact that the client was looking for counseling serves is an salient cause, however, his description of his own frustrating experience with the Focusing implies the implicit impact of the dependence origination, which facilitated his doubts about the effectiveness of the counseling service on the spot. Therefore, the counselor did not ask any questions about if the client used the Focusing techniques appropriately because it might lead their conversation to a different direction. In contrast, he started focusing along with the client in order to help him/her empty.
What has been focused by the client before is by no means uninfluential, however, the counselor would rather wait for a good timing to deal with the focusing itself. They are now paying full attention to the client’s prior experience.
Z: It seemed useless! (waiting 2 minutes)
T: It looks you are a little bit disappointed at your previous focusing experience, which makes you doubt its effectiveness.
Z: ...Yes, it seems useless.
T: Mhm! I have a sense that you are experiencing two different types of feelings at this moment. One is your disappointment towards the focusing techniques that we are going to use, and the other one is the uncomfortable feeling which was brought by your prior experience. Am I right?
Z: Yes.
Although the client allowed to processing the emptying and the adjusting the distance between his own experience and his feelings, his was still controlled by his emotion so that the focusing could not be applied.
When the inter-dependence origination proceeded, the client was affected by two implicit powers. One is the uncomfortable feeling itself, and the other one is his frustration on his uncomfortable focusing trials. These feelings would also place an obstacle to the counselor. If being insisted to be proceeded into a deep focusing stage, the following counseling would probably be brought into a deadlock.
As a result, the counselor paused and clarified his client’s feelings so that the client was able to get rid of the potential deadlock and enter a wider counseling space. The formation of such a space is the result of the interaction among various inter-dependent conditions. Meanwhile, the space would serve as a new inter-dependent condition for their future counseling activity.
T: How about if we work on your problems one by one?
Z: Sure.
T: Where would you like to go begin with?
Z: Let’s start from my uncomfortable feeling. It’s been bothering me for a while.
T: Did you say you were bothered recently and this made you uncomfortable?
The space created through the interaction started working, which made the client temporarily put aside his anxious frustration and doubts about the focusing in terms of his prior experience. He was able to work with the counselor on one of his problems. This is indeed what he needed to be assisted through the current counseling service, namely, the “cause” which drove him to the counselor.
Z: Oh! There is an issue. One week ago, I dealt with a case and the patient was diagnosed as borderline personality disorder. I was perplexedly attacked by her. I tried my best to help her, but but she called a donkey.
T: Well, your client attacked you during your counseling session?
Z: Yes! I felt uncomfortable since that afternoon and couldn’t release afterwards. I was upset.
T: You mean you were experiencing an uncomfortable feeling after you were done with the counseling with this client?
Z: Yes. Uncomfortable, I’m quite depressed.
Even though it was a simple response, it demonstrated the client was able to listen and clarify relevant information. In addition, his response corresponded to the secondary self representation which was addressed by Fonagy (1999). Accurate and appropriate response can be used to assist the client to experience the relationship with his own feelings. In addition, the accurate response would be an important dependent origination to facilitate the client’s experience, which implies active inter-subject interactions.
The focusing process accompanied by the counselor is different from what is done by the client himself and is created by their cooperation. This is similar to the situation that the individual focusing is different from what is conducted together with the counselor. The difference lies in the positive contribution of the inter-dependence which could be brought through the assistance of the counselor. In some cases, the false assistance of the counselor would work as a negative dependent origination in terms of the Inter-Dependence Origination Philosophical perspective, which could incur the client’s biased development.
In terms of the above conversation, the contexts both the client and the counselor were facing have changed, from the client’s confusion and doubt about the effectiveness of the focusing to the event that caused his confusion. This change can be considered as a process, which resulted from the interaction between the counselor and the client and would continue to affect their counseling activity in an implicit way.
T: Depressed?
Z: Yes. Depressed (pointed at his chest), depressed.
T: You feel depressed in your chest?
Z: It’s been blocked.
T: There is a feeling of being blocked. Can you experience it?
Z: I’d like to kick somebody’s ass...
T: Can you experience the feeling of being blocked?
Z: The feeling is to kick somebody’s ass, to lash that person.
The client got into an angry state. His feeling is strong such that he is too close to his own feelings. This resulted in a short period of pause and the disappearance of their working space. At this moment there might be a better way to respond.
Meanwhile, the counselor, as a context himself, would merge into their counseling background, which could either become a positive dependent origination to facilitate their counseling or a negative one to hinder it. In the positive case, the counselor should be able to hold a open attitude towards the pause and does not consider it as bad. In contrast, once the counselor believe that the temporary pause is bad thing, he would be more likely to experience the feelings of fear or anxiety such that a deadlock might happen following the pause.
However, in the real sessions, the counselor believed the pause is adjustable. It demonstrated to which extent the client responded to his previous experience and implied his emotional style. Once the counselor realize it, there would still be a space opened in the relationship between the counselor and client. “We are unable to tell what the life is. Life is and is always implying something.” (Gendlin, E.T., 2007). The process of inter-dependence origination is like that. Neither the good nor the bad would exist forever. They both stay changing.
T: I feel your are very angry. Maybe we can step far away from this feeling.
Z: Nothing changed. Still depressed.
T: You don’t have to answer immediately. Maybe nothing is showing up in your mind. Let’s put it aside. Put down any thoughts and stay with your depressed feeling for a while quietly. Stay quietly for a while.
The counselor noticed that the client responded too fast to experience his own feeling. Thus, he proposed an advice, which was added as a new dependent origination to facilitate the client’s getting along with his own feeling in an appropriate self-aware way. Even though this technique might not necessarily works, the process of exploring and creating the inter-dependence origination entails trial and error sometimes. We are unable to predict the cause and the result.
Z: ....(tearing)
T: (wait for two minutes quietly) you looked as if you felt anything?
Z: Yes! Injustice.
T: Injustice. I feel the self-esteem was hurt.
Z: It was not the self-esteem was hurt. It is the feeling that your efforts and pains were not being appreciated by your client. They seemed worthless.
T: Mhm! The injustice that not being appreciated. I felt my efforts and pains were worthless.
The client’s was promoted through experiencing and produced an insight into his own feeling. The counselor felt something related to self-esteem, which should be clarified. After that, the denial of the client showed that the empathy of the counselor was inaccurate. But more importantly, the client acquired a deeper understanding of his own reflection and became clearer about his feeling.
The inter-dependence origination can not be predicted, however, the error is usually inevitable when the counselor is assisting to create it. The core idea is that the inter-dependence origination is open to any ongoing activities. As long as the counselor avoids to be arbitrary and keeps an open attitude, error could be corrected so that the situation turns out to be proceeded in a right direction and the negative dependent origination stops getting worse.
Z: Yes! (think about for five minutes)
T: How do you feel now?
Z: I feel the power. At the beginning I had a strong depressed feeling, I mean the feeling of being hurt. But now I feel better. I was actually sympathetic to my client, but she’s always like that. Sometimes I tried hard to work with her and thus had a high expectation. So when she attacked me and called me a donkey, I was suddenly stuck such that I couldn’t say anything. I don’t know how to treat my caring for her either. It seems I was blaming myself....Now, I am powerful enough to work with that client. I can also ask when she had the impulse to call me a donkey....
T: Mhm! Sounds clearer.
Z: Yes!
The combination of conditions brought an encouraging result. This process could be completed by neither the counselor nor the client himself. It depends on the encounter between the counselor and the client. The “encounter” should not be interpreted literally. It contains the combination of many complex conditions and the constant changes of cause and effect. So far, can we say the case is getting close to its end? Absolutely not. It obviously the part of the infinite cause and effect process. The client’s present insight would serve as conditional inter-dependence origination of his future life and career, which can influence the emergence and the change of other inter-dependence originations and results. As is addressed in the Inter-Dependence Origination Philosophy, the nature of inter-dependence origination is Emptiness
(sunyata). It is the Emptiness(sunyata) which demonstrates the ubiquitous inter-dependence originations and all sorts of possibilities.
As for the Focusing and its application, the emergence and the promotion of experience associates with various explicit and implicit elements. Different contexts could lead the focusing process to different directions, while the contexts are all dynamic and are the combination of a rang of conditions. The recognition of this process will be beneficial to focusing-oriented counselors, helping them explore different focusing patterns and apply the focusing techniques with an open attitude towards new experience.
2. Gendlin, E.T. (2007, June). Focusing: The body speaks from the inside.
3. Gendlin, E.T. (2011),IMPLICIT PRECISION
4. Stolorow, R.D. (1988), Intersubjectivity, Psychoanalytic Knowing, and Reality1. Contemp. Psychoanal., 24:331-337
5. The Boston Change Process Study Group(2004) ,Forms of Intersubjectivity in Infant Research and Adult Treatment
6. Peter Fonagy(1999),Pathological Attachments and Therapeutic Action,Paper to the Developmental and Psychoanalytic Discussion Group, American Psychoanalytic Association Meeting, Washington DC 13 May 1999
7.The Boston Change Process Study Group(2010) ,Change in Psychotherapy–A Unifying Paradigm